Elaine Marchand

Personnel de soutient


Coordinatrice, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Québec


Elaine holds a bachelor’s degree from Université Laval and is a member of the Ordre des ingénieurs forestiers du Québec and of the Ontario Professional Foresters Association. She has nearly 35 years of experience in forestry, more than half of which is dedicated to environmental and forest certification. Throughout the years, Elaine has worked in a variety of sectors and witnessed planning, operations and forest certification from industry, government, aboriginal communities and forestry contractors point of view. She also had the opportunity to work and travel in various locations in Canada and internationally to observe some of the challenges and realities of Canadian and international forestry. After all these years, her passion for forests and forestry remains intact, and she wishes to continue to actively contribute to the the development of best forest management practices and their implementation, as well as participate in the development of solutions to maintain healthy forests in a constantly changing environment.

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