Kevin A. Solarik

Co-responsable du projet


Directeur de la recherche forestière, NCASI, Québec


Dr. Solarik is a forest ecologist and biologist with a wide range of research interests which include forest response to disturbance (anthropogenic and natural), climate change, and biodiversity & conservation. Kevin’s previously worked with the Canadian Forest Service (Natural Resources Canada) as their Sustainable Forest Management Officer, where his work focused on anthropogenic disturbances and their effect on boreal forest health. Prior to joining NCASI in June of 2018, Kevin was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Alberta with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Industrial Chair (Forest Land Reclamation, Applied Forest Ecology), where his work primarily investigated boreal tree ecophysiological responses in post-disturbance landscapes. Having worked in both the public and private sectors of the forest industry, Kevin has developed an extensive national and international network of collaborators across North America and Europe.

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