Kim Bannon

Personnel de soutient


Assistante administrative, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Québec


Kim is a dedicated biologist specializing in forest ecology, with a deep passion for the natural world. Her interests are wide, ranging from studying microscopic organisms to observing wildlife behavior. She holds a diploma in biotechnology from La Cité Collégiale, a B.Sc. in Biology from the University of Montreal, and an M.Sc. in Forest Ecology from UQAM. Over the past 11 years, she has been a key member to Professor Messier, making sure he keeps his sanity 😉, but managing his research lab and supporting his team as well. Outside of work, Kim can be found hiking or embarking on new travel adventures. As the administrative assistant for the Diverse project, she is enthusiastic about contributing to this exciting initiative and looks forward to the journey ahead.

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