Highly Qualified Personnel

Graduate and postgraduate students supporting DIVERSE Project

Regarding our highly-qualified personel

The DIVERSE project will fund a total of 20 graduate students and 8 post-doctoral fellows along its duration. You can find more information about them here.

Keep in mind that not all students and post-doctoral fellows will be displayed at all time, as they will start and end their work at different times during the project.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Zoé Ribeyre

Highly-Qualified Personnel

Postdoctoral Fellow, UQAM, Quebec

Martina Sanchez-Pinillos

Highly-Qualified Personnel

Postdoctoral Fellow, UQAM, Quebec

Morgane Dendoncker

Highly-Qualified Personnel

Postdoctoral Fellow, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Quebec

PhD Students

Zijing Luo

Highly-Qualified Personnel

PhD Student, University of Alberta

Catherine Beth Turner

Highly-Qualified Personnel

PhD Student, UQAM, Quebec

Hugo de Lame

Highly-Qualified Personnel

PhD Student, University of Alberta, Alberta

Master students

Andrea Guarino

Highly-Qualified Personnel

MSc/MF student, University of Alberta

Nicholas Boyce

Highly-Qualified Personnel

MSc/MF student, University of Alberta