Our Team

Uniting forestry experts, nurturing biodiversity, fostering change

Project Leadership

Christian Messier

Principal Investigator

Professor, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Quebec

Brad Pinno

Project Co-Lead & Theme 6 Lead

Professor, University of Alberta, Alberta

Kevin A. Solarik

Project Co-Lead

Director of Forestry Research, NCASI, Quebec

Charles A. Nock

Project Co-Lead

Professor, University of Alberta, Alberta

Support Staff

Madeleine Gauthier, Eastern Coordinator

Madeleine Gauthier

Eastern Coordinator, Université du Québec en Outaouais

Kathryn Knodel

Western Coordinator, University of Alberta

Clément Hardy

LANDIS-II Technical Assistant, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Quebec

Kim Bannon

Administrative Assistant, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Quebec

Theme Leads

Isabelle Aubin

Theme 1 Lead

Senior Research Scientist, Canadian Forest Service, Ontario

Olivier Villemaire-Côté

Theme 2 Lead

Professor, Université Laval, Quebec

Marie-Josée Fortin

Themes 3 & 4 Lead

Professor, University of Toronto, Ontario

Harry Nelson

Theme 5 Lead

Professor, University of British Columbia, British Columbia

Brad Pinno

Project Co-Lead & Theme 6 Lead

Professor, University of Alberta, Alberta

DIVERSE Researchers

The DIVERSE project collaborates actively with more than 40 researchers throughout the world.

To know more about them, take a look at our research themes or to our publications !