Theme 4 Partner Data Request Guidance Document

Theme 4 Partner Data Request Guidance Document

To achieve the DIVERSE Project’s research goals, Theme 4 will use modeling tools (i.e., LANDIS-II) to
estimate and predict the effect(s) of Business-As-Usual (BAU), Climate-Smart Forestry (CSF), and
Functional Complex Network (FCN) management strategies on Canadian forests.

LANDIS-II requires extensive data to parameterize and calibrate vegetation dynamics and future
projections. To meet this need, we are collaborating closely with project partners, leveraging our
network to acquire these essential data.

In return, the data will provide valuable insights to help answer partners’ questions about the future of
Canadian forests and how to enhance their resilience.

This document outlines the data needed from project partners and explains its critical role in
parameterized forest landscape model LANDIS-II.